I will admit for as many times in my life that I have moved (over 100), I absolutely hate packing things up. I have a total go-getter attitude until it actually comes time to do it then I lose motivation after about the second day. It's so tedious. This time around I decided to get rid of a LOT of stuff that we either don't need, want or can use. I am tired of all the clutter and crap being everywhere. I think this is why yesterday I just had to take a day off from purging and packing to just chill out and rethink my approach. If I don't plan this organizational packing out right, I will run out of time to do so and that would be a shame. I now have 19 days left to pack it all up and I've made a dent on some of it. However it's time to get it into gear and take it to the next level which is one step closer to completed.

Yesterday I took two huge garbage bags full of clothes to Goodwill. They were clothes that I either never wore or were too small. I also got rid of my hubby's clothes that were too small as well. It felt good to donate them and to know that someone out there will enjoy these clothes hopefully as much as I did at one time. I also have a donation going to McKays used bookstore this weekend. All of my son's baby books and young reader books as well as some PC games and some PS2 games. Those I will actually get some store credit for, so it's not a total donation so not quite as rewarding.
I have managed with some help from the hubby to separate the garage into two sides. The right side is the side that is stuff to be thrown away and the left side is stuff we can take with us. There is so much that we need to get rid of that I'm going to be scheduling pick ups with the city for a few days in order to get it all taken care of.
I purchased bubble wrap and more plastic totes to pack stuff up in. The bubble wrap will come in handy for my nick knacks and dishes. I hate using newspaper because it turns my hands all black then I have to wash the dishes because they have black ink on them too. I have to use plastic totes because I am allergic to cardboard boxes. (I know what a stupid thing to be allergic to right?) I found this out when I worked in a fast food restaurant and had to break down the shipping boxes. I would get a rash all over my hands and arms from touching the cardboard and I would have allergy like symptoms with watery eyes and stuffy nose. It sucked, so now when I have to pack stuff up, totes is the way I go (and they are reusable!)
the totes I use are the clear plastic
So that is an update on what I've been up to lately. Our new landlady has received our first month's rent and all of our deposits, so we are good there. The moving company has been scheduled and paid and they will be here bright and early on the 26th. I still have to contact the new school for my son to find out what I will need to provide for his enrollment. I will also have to start contacting doctors and making appointments for all of us as needed. Once we move we get to handle transferring our driver's licenses and getting our car registered for the new state and county. All these little things will add up to plenty to keep me busy once we are moved. This will give me a good chance to organize more and get on top of my A game.
For now it's back to packing up and handling the business at hand. The move is getting closer and my jitters are in full force now. I always get anxious before I undergo a change in my life and moving to a new state is definitely big change!
No I didn't start smoking again but you get the point
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