Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sidelined for a day

I am staying home sick today because I woke up with a raw swollen throat and a small fever. My nose is stuffy and I feel worse than I have the past few days. So once my son is off to school I'm going to take some more cold medicine and go back to bed. Rest and fluids for me today and probably not much else.
I love orange juice when I'm sick

My husband did all of our laundry yesterday as well as getting the Christmas tree set up in it's festive spot. I have yet to fan out the branches of said tree (being shoved in a box all year tends to make it a very bunched up sad looking tree). We have to decorate it as well, but that's definitely going to wait until I'm feeling better.

Right now I need lots of S.L.N. (sleep, liquids, Nyquil).
Mmm red death flavor

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